Home School agreement
Students, parents/carers and teachers all sign a ‘Home School’ agreement. This is a joint promise that all of us will put in the time and effort required for our children to succeed. Parents are expected to support children by supervising home learning, ensuring that children attend school and wear the correct uniform.
Parent Voice
Parents and carers are an integral part of our school community, and your feedback forms an essential part of our ongoing development and improvement. We regularly run surveys and sessions to gather your views on the education your child is receiving, and to understand where we can do better.
You can share your feedback via these channels:
- Ofsted's Parent View tool. This survey consists of 12 short questions around topics such as teaching and behaviour, and will feed into our ongoing development plan
- Directly with a member of our staff
- The main academy office
Parent Teacher Association
We are a group of enthusiastic Ark Blake Academy parents and carers who are passionate about our children’s education and wish to support the Academy by raising funds for the school and building a strong community around the school.