Welcome from our Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding is a critical part of keeping your child safe. The academy has a very comprehensive safeguarding policy, which outlines all the actions we will take to help all our young people. To help support your child in the academy, please be aware of the following avenues for your child to inform us of any safeguarding issues:
- PSHCE - We have a personal, social, health and citizenship education curriculum that addresses many aspects of safeguarding, including cyberbullying. These sessions help your child to develop their understanding, skills and knowledge to minimise risk in many different situations.
- Pastoral system - Form Tutors are also readily available to support pupils and can act as a first port of call; over the year they focus on developing an excellent relationship with pupils and parents/carers.
- Supporting “vulnerable” pupils - we are fully aware that there are more vulnerable pupils in our founder cohort; we are committed to providing access and inclusion support to support them throughout their time at Ark Blake Academy.
- Partnership with external agencies - we work closely with several organisations including Early Help, Prevent, social services and the police to provide targeted additional support.
Below are links to resources where you can anonymously report concerns and find further support.
Report a safeguarding concern
If you have a concern that a child or children are being harmed, at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must report it immediately to one of our designated safeguarding leads.
If your child would like to report a concern - https://arkblake.thesharpsystem.com
Relevant contact numbers:
- Croydon social services- 0208 255 2888
- Croydon and Bromley domestic abuse service: 020 8313 9303
- Child mental health services- www.kooth.com
Lydia Perez-McMillan DSL and Anna Mcdowell DDSL
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