Today, students and staff at Ark Blake Academy joined together to observe Remembrance Day, honouring the sacrifices of soldiers who lost their lives in service to their country.
Along with the students and staff from the 39 Ark schools in Birmingham, Hastings, London, and Portsmouth, Ark Blake Academy held a virtual assembly with a one-minute silence to pause and reflect with all staff and students participating to honour fallen soldiers.
Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day, marks the ceasefire that began at 11am on 11th November 1918 and ended the fighting in the First World War. Each year, it serves as a reminder of the dedication and bravery of men and women, past and present, who have sacrificed to protect the freedoms we hold dear today.
During the assembly, Mr Rispoli spoke to students about the importance of Remembrance Day and its lasting significance in today’s world, encouraging students to reflect on the personal and societal impacts of those sacrifices.